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Hi, I'm Sheyna

Founder of Visionary Revamp & Energetics of Home

This is my story


In my personal life, I’ve dismantled what was once considered Home, and over time, with dedication, lots of tears, and feelings of loneliness, I created a space that finally felt like Home for me and my family. I was tired of the continuous patterns of pain and shame in my life. I decided to start working on getting to know myself, improving my self-esteem with self-help books, joining Facebook groups for mothers and new designers, grabbing any freebie resource I could, and working on rewiring my subconscious.

I didn’t know it then, but all of this was preparing me for a huge pivotal point in my life. I made the biggest leap forward when I dropped what no longer served my highest good in 2018. That one decision led to me starting my business, getting married, and then feeling secure enough to leave the nine-to-five life in 2019...


It required me to choose myself and finally release toxic relationships.


I want mothers & creatives to fall in love with their vision of Home and take inspired action to solidify the foundation to hold it as it comes alive.

When I speak of the Home, it’s not just where you rest your head at night or store your possessions, it’s within your body, too.

That looks like finally being open to receiving support and having the willingness to build again, not necessarily from scratch, by using your past and current observations and experiences.

It’s time to be devoted to your vision because your energy is precious. Invest time and energy into your vision and it will provide the satisfying results you desire.


True sanctuary is sustainable through embodiment, acceptance & COMMITMENT.

Are you ready to be seen?

Revamp Your Vision with Sheyna

Find the resources that are right for you.

Online Course

Take a self-guided journey with interactive video lessons.


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1-on-1 coaching

Dive deep into your journey with personalized guidance.


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Dive deep into your development with personalized guidance.


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Sheyna is a multifaceted practitioner specializing in the realms of holistic interior design, Astrology, and Human Design analysis.


With a deep understanding of the energetic interplay between our surroundings and our inner selves, Sheyna guides individuals on a transformative journey toward clarity, self-acceptance, self-empowerment, and self-love.